Breathwork & Meditation

breathe again …

  • Breathwork

    Different forms of breathwork and meditation are tools that I use for all my clients. I not only use them in sessions but I also teach my clients different methods to empower them in their daily lives. These are tools clients can take and use anytime they’re in need or as a lifelong practice. The tools are life changing and can be the difference between panic or staying calm.

    I am a certified instructor through the Academy of Breath and it is a part of my daily practice.

  • Kundalini

    I was introduced to breathwork and meditation by practicing Kundalini yoga. Vinyasa, Hatha, Kundalini … If you’re practicing yoga already, you’re in good company. I encourage you to explore the different methods of practice to see what works best for you. Namaste ;)

  • Why is it important?

    I try really hard to practice the same things I teach and guide my clients to do. People are more likely to use something they see me using myself. I can give personal testimony to the power of these tools.

  • Part of the Whole

    I use this in all my processes. I start every session with meditation and breathwork to help the client feel focused and grounded. (It has the side-benefit of doing the same for me.)